Just ordered a 1W 501B from sci-fi!
I'm so excited! Going to order the rest of my stuff (batteries, safety glasses, and a charger) later this week when I have a bit more money. I bought the fully assembled version, as $10 extra for a 6...
View ArticleLowest and highest visible laser wavelengths?
I know it's been asked before, but what are the lowest and highest wavelengths you've seen at a fairly low power (<100mW). I figure if I'm going to collect laser pointers, I want good "bookends"....
View ArticleQuestion about wavelengths and purpose
I've noticed that all the talk about blue lasers are all about their burning power. When the talk is concerning green lasers, then it's about using them to point to things. But if the power level of a...
View ArticleAnyone have a Sci-Fi Lasers Arcane 2.0 520nm?
I've been checking out their site and this particular laser caught my eye. Arcane 2.0 520nm The idea of a 1-1.4W green laser at such a great price is pretty appealing, but I do have some questions....
View ArticleCamo 501B/1.4A/G2/2-AW 18350 cells
Hi, I pulled some old stuff out of the stock i have was bored so i threw this together. It's a Camo 501B host with an assault focus knob made by Ed Crouse In it is;; PLTB450B Diode Wolf man 1.6mm round...
View ArticleLaser build?
So i've been a long time lurker on this forum and finally decided to make an account! I have a 1W laser from o-like coming (not sure what to expect, heard some bad things) and laser safety goggles. I...
View ArticleFLEM March 4th/5th
I haven't seen a post about this here so I thought I'd just throw this out there, the Florida Laser Enthusiast Meet is March 4th/5th in Tavares, FL. This is a 2 day event, much smaller than SELEM. Feel...
View ArticleIts It Normal Ears !
So i did a ear check up, since me wife turns the TV up and i turn the TV down, after she did the ear test it was 15/20 with is normal, when i did the test i got my results at -21/-22 ,4days ago i did a...
View ArticleEagle Pair 190-540nm OD6+ Laser Safety Goggles Now Available on the SL Stores
Eagle Pair has discontinued the popular OD4+ 190-540nm slip over goggles and has replaced them with an OD6+ version. These will provide an extra level of protection for those high power builds! The...
View ArticleWTB: Spartan 589nm 50mW
I'm going to be buying a Spartan 589 very soon, so I figured that it might be prudent to see if someone here had one they'd want to sell. Having a laser already Stateside with a known output and no...
View ArticleNew Guy Here
What's up LPF? My name is Gregory Lee, I'm a 34 year old redneck from the backwoods of central Kentucky. I own several low power lasers up to 1 watt, and just purchased a 3 watt from forum member...
View ArticleI am new to here :)
Hi everyone my name is Aaron and I am from UK. My friend told me that people here are nice and I hope I will enjoy my stay here. :beer:
View ArticleLG sphere robot .. with laser
LG today introduced phone controlled spherical robot .. Meet LG?s Rolling Bot, the spherical robot with lasers, lights, and cameras | TalkAndroid.com It's supposed to have live feedback camera .. and...
View ArticleCustoms???
Anyone dealt with a customs check? I received a voice mail saying my package was held. I told customs the "optics" were for an LED flash light. They told me they would get back to me tomorrow. Can...
View Articlesource some switchs
hi im in need of a few switch's but cant seem to find any,there the tactile ones from the screw in battery bottoms but since i dont know the exact name of them im stummped :D but im sure you guys will...
View ArticleFS: 1W+ SF501b Sci-Fi 445nm Laser
For sale is my SF501b laser from Sci-Fi which i no longer use so thats why i sell it. Its in good condition total usage maybe 10-15 hours perhaps?, and power graph shows a bit over 1W it is very...
View ArticleLaser Pointer for cat
Hi all, I'm looking to buy a laser pointer for my cat, and I have a particular requirement that it be powered by 1 or 2 AAA batteries. I would also prefer the laser to be green. I've also read that 1mw...
View ArticleLaser Magically Working Now 532nm ~5mw
So I bought a 532nm pen from a member here. I wanted it to be as close to 5mw as possible and I wanted it LPM'd. The member was very kind and very cheap and very accommodating. I am not putting the...
View ArticleDo I need a lens?
Hey maybe you pros could shed some... Er, light on my laser problem. I bought a cheap laser off this electronic Bay website. It is a 405nm with a cool violet colour, but the problem is it has no lens....
View Articlesome more pics 2/23
These pics were taken about a month ago and were taken a week after the pics I posted on 1/27. There are a few different things I photographed in this batch from the last post: The first ones I used...
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