my last thread...Good bye...LPF...
hi fellow forum member.. this is my last thread.... it's has been a great ride... when i joined the forum i thought that i won't be hanging around... but i ended up joining this wonderful community and...
View ArticleBuyer beware.
50mW 532nm Green Laser Diode Module with Driver Stage Light Heatsink | eBay High Quality 200mW 532nm Green Laser Diode Module Green Beam Lab Stage Lighting | eBay Look at these 2 ads. Both use the same...
View ArticleMY FIRST BUILD! Pic Heavy! S4X W/ NUBM44.
Hey everyone! I just recently have gotten back from an amazing, well needed vacation; now it's time to have some fun! I had a gentleman whom owns a local oil delivery business and is a good friend...
View Article650nm diodes
I know I've mentioned this before in a couple spots but I figured I should just put it out there and see what turns up. 2-3 years ago 650nm was the go to red but as far as what I can tell they have...
View ArticleWTB a laser >6W of any type. (Ideally YAG)
I'm in need of a powerful laser for a home science project. Any type would work, but a pulsed YAG would be most ideal. Gas lasers, diodes (especially FAP), etc. will all be acceptable over 450nm as...
View Articlepower supply laser burner
hey guys can anyone suggest a good laser diode for my computer power supply burning laser project. it puts out about 6 volts. anything helps i don't know a lot about lasers.
View ArticleBroken Charger outputted 1.5V to various Lithium cells
I have a charger which seems to have crapped out, and is outputting 1.5V. Before I noticed something was amiss, I ran a few 18650s through the charger and it all those batteries now read varying...
View ArticleTO build or to BUY?
So I am wanting an ~1 watt blue 450nm. I can not figure out if I should buy the stuff to build one or just buy one. If I'm correct I will need the constant current driver board, 1 watt diode, a housing...
View ArticleSci-fi Lasers SF501B 520nm ~200mW
Yesterday I received my new SF501B 520nm forest green 170-300mw laser from Sci-fi for 134$ without shipping cost. Laser specs: - PLP-520-B1 520 nm laser diode - Power output 170-300 mW - 405G2 / G9 /...
View ArticleHad to reboot server to update something
Hi Guys, Sorry, had to reboot the server to do an important update. Best Regards, -Avery
View ArticleHi I'm Back
Bin gone for a bit, but I'm back and want to say hey to old friends and welcome to new ones. Had some medical things going on and had to quit the hobby for a time. I'm back now and will soon post my...
View ArticleLook at the amount of active users!
Does anyone else find this strange? Usually there's roughly 10 times more people online, especially at this time of night! EDIT: Ahhh, I just now am seeing Avery's new post that he had to reboot the...
View ArticleNew NanoDrive V6
Hi guys After a few failures with the 16xBDR 209s at 600ma and 570ma DTR Jordan was able to get me lasing again at a discount But this time not with just any Xboost but with a new version by Lazeerer...
View ArticleNow The Pope's Plane Gets Hit with a Laser....
This is bad....REALLY bad for all of us :( Pope's plane reports laser flash -jeff
View ArticleExternal Lens Spring
Hello Guys, last time i looked a little at Survival Lasers and also ordered some Stuff. i ordered that : Internal Lens Spring because i tought Black is better than a Shiny Spring inside the Lens...
View ArticleHello Laser community!
Hi, I am new to the laser hobby but so far I am enjoying it and can see myself sticking with it and learning a bit. I also have little experience with forums in general (have spent countless hours...
View Articlelooking for very small lower power IR diode
Im looking for a really small lower than .5mm, low power (lower than 1mw) laser diode. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
View ArticleSpecial CNI PLP520B1 pen build
I've built a lot of pens lately and I will share them all coming up but for now I want to show how I built a PLP520B1 (which is a multi-mode but has a small spot size albeit with wings or a line) into...
View ArticleDang I've missed a lot.
I've started to get interested in this hobby again after a break of 3-4 years where all of my hobby money went to guns. I'm amazed at how much has changed. 1 watt green diode lasers?(gotta get one of...
View ArticleAny ideas why laser/aircraft incidents doubled in 2015?
As you may know, laser pointer incidents reported to the U.S. FAA nearly doubled last year. I'm asking for your help, trying to find potential reasons why. In the four years 2011-2014, there were about...
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