hi fellow forum member..
this is my last thread....
it's has been a great ride...
when i joined the forum i thought that i won't be hanging around... but i ended up joining this wonderful community and end up owning a bunch of laser....
this just my thank you list:
-Hap=> great guy, very friendly, i'm going to miss the conversation we have, helpful, and truly dedicated member.
-Sinner/Ehgemus/DTR/Jersagfast: all the guys that i bought stuff from, very friendly, patient, resourceful,...
-RedCowboy,Lifetime,Styropyro: the guys who got me hooked to the hobby, you're truly great when it's come to show casing your build.
-Eudaimonium: my fellow gamer, very blunt and honest guy who always speak his mind.
-LaserChick,TrendKilla,PI R Square,InfinitusEquitas: thank you very much for guiding me and answer all of my question,
-The wonderful Mods of this forum who keep this place, troll free, spam free, and moderate the forum, thank you to them for dedicating their time and energy.
-Cyparagon: never talk to him before but his post are full of information and clearly understandable from some complicate technical thing sound like music .....
i'm not that great at saying good bye soo....
i started this thread because i came here after inform member of my presence so it would be natural to inform members of my departure as well...
good bye LPF....
this is my last thread....
it's has been a great ride...
when i joined the forum i thought that i won't be hanging around... but i ended up joining this wonderful community and end up owning a bunch of laser....
this just my thank you list:
-Hap=> great guy, very friendly, i'm going to miss the conversation we have, helpful, and truly dedicated member.
-Sinner/Ehgemus/DTR/Jersagfast: all the guys that i bought stuff from, very friendly, patient, resourceful,...
-RedCowboy,Lifetime,Styropyro: the guys who got me hooked to the hobby, you're truly great when it's come to show casing your build.
-Eudaimonium: my fellow gamer, very blunt and honest guy who always speak his mind.
-LaserChick,TrendKilla,PI R Square,InfinitusEquitas: thank you very much for guiding me and answer all of my question,
-The wonderful Mods of this forum who keep this place, troll free, spam free, and moderate the forum, thank you to them for dedicating their time and energy.
-Cyparagon: never talk to him before but his post are full of information and clearly understandable from some complicate technical thing sound like music .....
i'm not that great at saying good bye soo....
i started this thread because i came here after inform member of my presence so it would be natural to inform members of my departure as well...
good bye LPF....