Question about laser reflection
I have an <5watt laser for a pistol I keep for home defense. Our room is set up in such a way that one wall entering our room is a mirrored closet. In testing my aiming for the most likely entry...
View ArticleNew CNI wavelength! 552nm DPSS.
Was just taking a look at CNI's webpage and noticed they now offer 552nm as a new wavelength. Anyone else notice this? Next step, add it in a pen :) 552 nm Green Laser, Solid State Laser | CNIlaser -Alex
View ArticleLaser Etching Equipment?
Hi! So I built this 3D printer last week, and designed a neat doodad in blender, but woe is me, for the doodad is going to require a resolution of about 0.08-0.1mm, while my printer is only 0.4mm...
View ArticleNUBM44 6W laser ruined?
Long story short, just built my laser, was outside trying it, started to rain, hide it as quick as I could but I'm guessing some water went in? Its really dim, its heating up real good but dim. $200...
View ArticleHelp picking out my first laser pointer
I just started looking into getting a laser pointer today. I want something that will be able plainly visible but won't be a safety hazard. Is it possible to get something like that for under $20? And...
View Article""EUROPE"" WTB nubm44
Hi everyone, I live in center europe. I' m seaching for : NUBM44 fitten in module 12mm and already a driver @ 4.5 please not a driver that take too much space. already got a good heatsink @ehgemus...
View ArticleHello from Alabama.
Hi everyone. You guys have definitely compiled a rather extensive database here. Wow. Anyway.... I'm coming in on the interweb via the the great state of Alabama as a fairly simple country boy that...
View ArticleAre diode lasers real lasers?
Here's something that is probably obvious to many here, but not to me which I am having a difficult time understanding. I sort of understand how light amplification takes place with a ruby rod, a...
View ArticleUnmanned Aerial Systems Advance Potential
Good evening everyone. My name is Brandon. I, along with a small crew of aviation and IT professionals started a company here in Atlanta (Solaris UAS) that focuses in research, design, development, of...
View ArticleGearBest Give Away
Hello LPF Members, we are happy to announce our big promotion and a giveaway(June 13-17) with some very exciting products! GearBest is offering a Big Sale this Summer-- Best Ever Promo ( June 13-17 )...
View ArticleINSANE 520nm.
Here's a video of my 1.4 Watt 520nm from Alien Laser lighting a match from 20 feet away.
View ArticleUpgrade my 2009 MacBook Pro - new version
I am finally looking to upgrade my computer system to a new year and model I will most likely stick with Mac book Pro so I am hoping to buy one of the later years as mine seems to be showing it's age...
View ArticleChinese host mod/NUBM44
Hi Folks, I would like to share a Chinese host i modded, I received this host for free with my order from Lasertechgear and other goodies. Well i have a bunch offices so i'll start with the first eight...
View ArticleFirst RG Yellow Laser
For my first RG yellow laser build, I used red and green laser pens from ebay like these 3pcs Green Blue Violet Red Light Beam Powerful 5mW Laser Pointer Pen | eBay . The red runs off of a 2x AAA...
View ArticleLED driver as laser diode driver
Please correct me if I'm wrong but the source of light for a LASER is a diode. As long as the electrical characteristics are the same could I use this LED driver for my laser? NCL30160 datasheet It...
View ArticleLaser host's
So i got this cool hosts and i polished the kryton grooves,to mirror polish i have 2 more not polish brand new, I will do it when i grab more time. only 3 hosts are mirror polished , the Ehg host will...
View ArticlePLTB450B Build 3 of 3 lasers (very pic heavy).
This was my last build and I should have posted this a long time ago, it's just difficult to spend the time to post a thread like this, but since I have these photos and am hoping to do another build I...
View Articlei am a new member. i need advice
Nice too meet. i have question about alien lasers. He is a good custom laser producer? I saw a laser pen. The alien 520nm pen is great. :drool:
View ArticlePoll: What new wavelength would you most like to see accessible within 5 years.
Hello All, I decided to create this poll to find out what everyone's desirable wavelengths are. If within the next 5 years, your favourite could become accessible (low enough cost for hobbyists), what...
View ArticleRepair Uniphase Novette
Hi I have a Uniphase (JDS) HeNe in a "Novette" package. It burned out the other day, probably because it had mistakenly been running a few hours on a 15V adapter instead of its 12V. Two questions:...
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