Scifi laser issues, is this normal?
I know its only been about 2 weeks since my order, but i received a tracking number from joker so my item, everything seemed fine. Well today i decided to check out the progress of the order and it was...
View ArticleWhat is the different between 532nm and 520nm?
I am looking for a green laser pointer. I see 532nm and 520nm is out there both are advertised as a green laser. Just wonder what is the differnt betwwen two and which one is better. Thanks
View ArticleC-Mount 5W 650nm Fun + Project Updates
About a year ago, my quest for one of the fabled 5W C-mount 650nm diodes ended when Jmillerdoc kindly let me buy his. I bought a PLD5000 driver and set the current to a little over 4A, and dropped the...
View ArticlePen Laser Build New Idea !
So this will change the way i was building pen size laser66 builds i just found out am able to keep the front cup and adjust the lasers divergence see images ! New ideas every day hehe :wave: 1- This...
View ArticleMy 1-Year LPF Anniversary!
Hey everyone, i haven't been around for a while, and i haven't been as active as i think i should be, but i felt like stopping back and saying hi again. Also its been 1 year (and two days when this was...
View Articlelow divergence green pointers ?
I wonder if someone know where to get green pointer with superior beam profile. I need it with a beam diameter of 1±0.2mm at aperture. Between all the lasers I have owned, the DL 594nm had the tightest...
View ArticleBeing resolved
I know its only been about 2 weeks since my order, but i received a tracking number from joker so my item, everything seemed fine. Well today i decided to check out the progress of the order and it was...
View ArticleBdr 206 mini burner
I'm bored I have this mini flashlight that cost $35 so I pulled it apart Machined a heatsink on the drill press, I have a bunch of brass Modules that have thread for the back end of a module on the...
View Article520nm diode that can go as low as 510nm ?
I'm hunting for 510nm and it seems there are no affordable options in the market other than buying 520nm hoping it will be <515nm So I wonder if targeting 5mW output which diode will be a suitable...
View ArticleArcane II for sale and others
Here in order 1.6 watt 447nm. $100 Sanwu 5.5 watt. $375 Arcane II 6.8 watt $400 SciFi SMP 2.8 Watt $160 Free shipping CONUS only I hate to sell my children but I gotta do what I gotta do.
View ArticleLED Driver Switching Frequency. The Higher the better?
I try to understand the LED Driver and design my own. Just wonder if the switching frequency of LED the higher the better? I know than with higher switching frequency you can use lower inductor. The...
View ArticleI need help to make this cheap chinese laser burn.
So I've ordered cheap laser from ebay for like 5$, today it arrived and its bright as hell.. Its way brigther than my optotronics 5mw laser (which can peak up to 9mw) You even see beam little bit when...
View ArticleHelp me help someone
A member clicked on top 15 Stats where you have options including turn off stats where he accidentally hit turn off stats and cant get it back. How do you get it to show again? I can't figure it out...
View Article5.05W Laser Sale NUBM07E
this is a 5W laser sale i made it and am not using it at all time to sell it all parts are brand new and includes a adjustable 5A %-10+%10 driver $300 or best offer :thanks: Attached Thumbnails
View ArticleObscure o-like request
I just asked o-like for a very difficult task and if o-like actually fulfills my request then I will be very impressed to say the least :crackup: Anyone have any idea if this is actually possible...
View ArticleHello from a long time listener, first time caller.
Hello Everyone. I've been lurking on and off for quite a while, here as well as many other forums. Been on the net since before the web was a thing, but this is like maybe the ~10th time I've ever...
View ArticleAnyone near the Richmond, VA Area with a LPM?
I have a "1W" laser from o-like and am starting to doubt it's output for a few reasons. 1. I tried to turn the potentiometer screw down just to see how low it could go, it stopped working and I...
View ArticleSomewhere between sunglasses and can't see my laser at all.
First thing I hear from anyone I show my laser to is "Whats the point if you can't see it thru the goggles?" Huge dilemma. Here is where it gets bad. I have taken to using my green approx. 50mW laser...
View Articlen00b question about driver voltage
Hello, folks. I have some TO-5 1W 808nm diodes I want to do some bench experimenting with. I also have a BDR-209 405nm diode coming. Eventually I'd like to be able to run more powerful diodes as well....
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