semi experianced laserist here; finally getting around to joining; long time lurker - Paul
View ArticleEBay answers
Recently purchased a 7 1/2 watt cree build from "taterslashers"on ebay. An hour or so after, I received a notification of an auction of the exact build. To make a long story short I won the second...
View ArticleDanny the newbee
Hi, what a great forum! Been intrested/amazed by lasers my whole life, just now getting around to perusing this as a hobby. I'm from Mobile Alabama, and am a construction contractor. Recently purchased...
View ArticleJust question for inspiration.
Hello, im back :) Im just wondering why you have decided to start with that unusual hobby? Like someone loves cars, you love lasers... Its also very expensive hoppy i have to say. With car you can...
View ArticleThumb up for lazerer customer service.
A while ago I have started this thread regarding the issue of the custom here in UK. My package is seized by UK custom since li-ion batteries is...
View ArticleA lazy way to make my new laser driver
So I am designing another driver for high power blue LD. PCB etching is always a nightmare to me. I ended up picking up my hand drill and engrave the board myself. To be honest. It save me up to 500%...
View ArticleFor Sale | A stock of G9 lenses for super lower price
Hi Everyone :) , I am building a lot of lasers. And nowdays all use the 9mm diodes , even the 1W ones. So I got a lot of G9 lenses in nylon bags. All packed by the supplier of the diodes him self. I...
View ArticleSci-fi Lasers 1W blue Review
Just a quick review on the 1W blue laser from sci-fi Lasers. The construction of the laser is amazing, feels really solid in the hand and clearly quite heavy duty, although smaller than I expected it...
View ArticleHey all, quick "color blocking" idea!
So, I plan on making a fully functioning ncr ranger helmet with lights in the eyes. I can think of a few ways to do that. My idea is to have 2 sheets of plastic, 1 reflective later, and 1 of the sheets...
View ArticleBesram 510nm Pointer for ~14.00
510nm <1MW Green Laser Pointer Pen China 510nm <1MW Green Laser Pointer Pen - China Laser Pointer, Laser Pen Has anyone purchased any of these? Are they the PL515 Osram Diodes? Would anyone be...
View ArticleNice yellow laser
Hi! I am still a noob at this laser thing so I apologize if I am being ignorant. So I was wondering, what is the best priced yellow pointer I can find? Preferably a pen and not a bulky handheld, and in...
View ArticleA lazy way to make my new laser driver (3A buck, Completed))
So I am designing another driver for high power blue LD. PCB etching is always a nightmare to me. I ended up picking up my hand drill and engrave the board myself. To be honest. It save me up to 500%...
View ArticleBuilding my first laser
Hello, I am a college student and I am very interested in building my own laser pointer. I would like to build a 5W blue laser, similar to the artic spyder. I don't know much about lasers yet, but I...
View Article"Happy Birthday" Pete
"Happy Birthday" Pman :beer::beer::beer: Turning 51 isn't so bad, it definitely beats the alternatives! Here's a "Classic" birthday song for a classic guy! Have yourself a great day Pete.
View ArticleThe aliens are silent because they're dead [Article Share]
Atricle -> Just wanted to share. There seems to be plenty of UFO enthusiasts here, I'm curious about the opinions/discussion on this.
View ArticleWicked Laser Host Replica - Progress Thread
After months of looking, found one thats almost like it. Bought it for just under $100. Source is gonna be kept until it arrives for review. Step 1: Ordered and paid. Step 2: Shipped Step 3: Arrival...
View Article"Customs Clearance" for five days? Should I be worried?
As many of you know, I recently returned my 50mW DL Spartan 50 to China for an RMA. The laser arrived at ISC (which I assume means International Shipping Center) on the 19th. When the tracking status...
View ArticleIs it worth it?
So, say I have saved up $320 for a dragon lasers aurora (I haven't lol) now, assume that by the time I have this money, the price has been lowered to $280. In your personal opinion, is it worth paying...
View ArticleNeed some explanations.
Hello, im pretty new at electronics and got couple of questions. I have read many times different guides how to build laser driver. But theres still something i dont get it. So 1) Why do i need 5 ohm...
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