Nd: YAG Laser Help
I'm looking to start a project building a YAG laser. I do not know a few things though: what percent transmission output mirror to use, distance of the mirrors from the rod, size of flash lamp needed,...
View Article650nm driver works with 638nm diode?
hi all,the test load that used on both type of diodes is the same so i was just curious if a driver from 650nm diode can work with 638nm diode,i noticed that on the cheaper drivers for red all of them...
View ArticleYet Another Newbie Here to Say Howdy
Thanks to H2Oxide's help and advice over at FAIL THREAD!!!!, I'm here to introduce myself and say thanks for running such a great joint. I'm here about the birds. As I replied to H2O, I really, truly,...
View ArticleGreen 532nm laser battery question
I just bought me a laser that uses 1 x 26650 battery. I will be using the Efest brand, but which one would be appropriate? There are 3 to choose from. Batteries, Chargers, LED Flashlights, and More!
View ArticleFirst Laser - SurvivalLaser Help
Ive finally got around to 'building' my first laser, basically just putting the parts together, however i cant seem to get it to work. All parts were purchased from survival lasers (not the battery)...
View Articlelooking for a transistor
This is what I'm looking for. CET CEF04N6 TO-220 | eBay I made an offer of $3 which was rejected. I'm sure the transistor itself is priced fairly. The shipping cost is stupid though. Would any of you...
View Articlehey all!!
hey guys, new member here from louisiana. ive been reading the forums for a while and figured i would finally make an account. current collection- 405nm ebay "5mw" purple uv laser 405nm Sanwu...
View ArticleI Do Not Enjoy Them More !
As the title , I realized that I enjoy the most to stay here and build stupid laser harmful to the health and the pocket ! I see a pure and simple bullshit ! (I speak for me) so that nobody has to hurt...
View Articlelasers, hematite , and mirrors
Here are some more appropriate pics taken a few weeks ago using magnetic hematite balls, strategically placed mirrors and various lasers to light everything up. I have been photographing these magnets...
View ArticleNew Nitecore Concept1
What do you guys think about the new Nitecore Concept1? I have more flashlights than I do Lasers, Just check my YouTube Channel (PhotonsAcrossTheAir) Nitecore and Thrunite are my favorite companies. I...
View Article561nm?
Is that yellow? First time I have heard of such a thing. https://www.laserdiodesource.com/sho...s-laser-module
View ArticleNUBM44 + 4.5A driver on 2 AA's
My latest build only had room for 2 AAA cells. I have it running on 2, high drain IMR 10440 cells (not ICR cells), these are the kind that they use in e-cigs and vape pens. It'll run it for 2 minutes...
View ArticleHello and Thank You LPF
My name is Brendan and I've had my eye on this forum on and off for a few years and have enjoyed lasers (and all tech) since the time I was young and had my first red laser pointer that I believe...
View ArticleThis should be interesting.
I'm sitting here bored, tired, and probably posting something pointless. I guess it's a good thing it's under "Off topic" So let's see what the laser community drives!!? What kind of car do you all...
View ArticleGuidance/Advice On 1.3W 520nm Build
After reading up a bit on options for 520nm lasers around 1W I have decided to go the extra step to a NDG7475 diode. Here is a list of everything I am planning to buy: NDG7475 1W 520nm Laser Diode In...
View ArticleRandom 588nm pics
Just a couple of pics I took the other day to show off on Facebook. One's a Spartan 50 that typically does around 100mW, the other is an Aurora that is dead steady at 10-11mW.
View ArticleLaser Safety Checklist
Hello LPF, As I am new to Lasers and inspired by Radim (Thank You Radim) I decided to make a Safety Checklist for myself that I can laminate and keep with an expo marker with my lasers to use when I...
View ArticleMounting a 10W 445 laser on an 'intelligent' robot arm
Hey everyone, Haven't been here for a while. I am currently working for an engineering company and apart of a project that uses a 10W 445nm laser mounted on an 'intelligent robot' arm. This arm is...
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