The BIG Battery Collection Thread - List Your Rechargeable Battery Collection...
I'll go first ! AAA 6ea Panasonic BK-40AAABU 400mAh 1.2V Ni-MH 2ea GP 60AAAHC 600mAh 1.2V Ni-MH AA 4ea Energizer NH15 1400mAh 1.2V Ni-MH 16340 4ea GTL LS 16340 2800mAh 3.7V Li-Ion 22650 2ea Feiyu ICR...
View ArticleEvery ICR/IMR/Li-ion/Li-Mn/LiFePO4 Battery Size Made - This May Suprise You !
How many of you knew the list was this long ! I Sure Didn't ! ICR/IMR/Li-ion/Li-Mn/LiFePO4 10180 10250 10280 10340 10350 10440 10500 12340 12500 12650 13450 13500 13650 14250 14350 14430 14500 14650...
View ArticleModifying a store bought laser projector
For christmas my girlfriend bought me a mini laser projector which has gotten me back into the hobby a bit. I already spliced the speaker wire to a female headphone jack to get decent sound out it when...
View ArticleUpdated review on A cheap 5mw laser pointer from ebay (with pics)
Hey. I made an review of this laser before but at that point it was broken. So i bought a new one Link: Neu Grün Lila Rot Laser Pointer Stift Strahl Stern Zeiger Pen Beam Präsentation | eBay In this...
View ArticleNewb question
Hey guys. been into these badass things for a couple months now. was buying my kid a laser and realized....i want a god damn laser too. hooked. on to the question. i recently purchased a 3w...
View ArticleThe Monster is Arriving!(Help Needed)
I can't contain my excitement anymore, I need to let some of it off on the forums! :D I purchased for $1,200 a essentially brand new CNI lab unit. Which one? This beast!...
View ArticleThe Monster has Arrived!
I can't contain my excitement anymore, I need to let some of it off on the forums! :D I purchased for $1,200 a essentially brand new CNI lab unit. Which one? This beast!...
View ArticleFS: Laser Projector 2.5 watts
Includes: 30k scanners. Emergency stop. Beautiful Wooden case with 2 fans blowing in and a top fan blowing out. ILDA. DMX. Lasever 1200mW 532nm green module. (loosing power due to not proper aligned)...
View ArticleThe Monster(MGL-F-532 2.8W) Feat: diachi
MGL-F-532 2.8W(A.K.A The Monster)To all those who have been waiting in anticipation the Monster has finally arrived and with it another high powered 532 unit to join LPF members! With the help of...
View ArticleMy New X-Drive Is Here !
My new x-drive got delayed a day in shipping but it got here today so I set about hooking it up.... First I soldered the pos and neg diode leads to the drive.... After that came the input neg jumper...
View ArticleBlue Light Is The Color Of The Deep Sea !
Blue has always been my favorite color and maybe that's why my first lase was a 445nm blue laser but for anyone thinking of a water proof build for underwater use you can do no better that blue because...
View ArticleCNC Laser 2017
Hi! I do want to retrofit my CNC with a laser for cutting and engraving (In this order of importance). Somewhere in the forum I read this line by DTR regarding the best laser for engraving application:...
View ArticleSanwu Spiker Saber w/ 3x Beam Expander
My Sanwu beam expander came yesterday! Works great. :D I will try and get some beam shots up on here soon. <3 Sanwu
View ArticlePL532 - 200 or LP532 - 50
I'm looking to replace an old Rayfoss laser I have with something better. After reading the stickies I'm looking at the laserbtb PL532 - 200 and LP532 - 50. I would be primarily using the laser to...
View Article520nm diode driver
Hi, i was thinking of replacing the diode of my laser. I got a 405nm laser. I made it watertight, but at the same time, easy to swap diodes if it dies. But i want to get a 50mW PL520 osram diode. Now,...
View ArticleFallen down the rabbit hole...
... and I'm not sure I'm coming back. I started a laser engraver build because I had some extra parts laying around. The laser originally was kind of an uninteresting part, just a high tech saw really....
View ArticleSearching low power blue laser
Hi there! I apologize if a similar thread already exists, but my search got me no results. I currently want to start with a laser as safe as possible to use. But I want to have a blue laser (between...
View ArticleBest photo sharing site using BBcode
I'm looking for the best way to share photos on here. I'm looking to get back into posting my beamshots. Currently I upload them to my albums on LPF and use the BBcode to slap them into a thread......
View ArticleWhat to expect Ebay Laser
Hi, My mom recently bought me THIS laser for getting As on my report card. I don't really know much about lasers although I have read most of the safety forums and done a decent amount of research....
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