Search for equivalent 650nm, 3.3mm OD laser module
I am currently using a less than 1 mW, 650nm, 3.3mm OD x 7mm, 3.3V (max) laser module in a design for a medical device to perform a simple pointing/locating task. It is in a plastic case and was...
View ArticleSpectra Physics 164 265 exciter
I am desperately trying to find out about how to rewire my exciter be used again with an original 164 tube. IT was reconfigured for a Lexel tube I guess Lexel before being bought out by Cambridge...
View ArticleQuestions about a 400mw 532nm laser pointer
Hello, I want to buy a 532nm green ebay laser for $99. I asked the seller for the power output and he said that it is 400mw laser, he even sent a picture of it being measured on a power meter. Here's...
View ArticleReview of a 303 Ebay. Cheap and great.
Link to the laser - 10 Miles 532nm 5mw 303 Green Laser Pointer Lazer Pen Beam Light +2*18650+Charger | eBay Hey this is my first review, first off I highly recommend this laser. It is definitely...
View ArticleWhat's the difference between these lasers
I wanna buy a blue burning laser pointer,and decide to choose one among the follow lasers: Laser one :Powerful Burning 2000mW 2W Blue Laser Pointer Handheld Blue Laser for Sale Laser Two: Briday B015...
View ArticleLaser and laser glasses testing and interesting results
Just thought I'd share some testing I did tonight with a few pairs of safety glasses and two different green lasers. I'm testing using a ThorLabs benchtop power meter with photodiode sensor. I have a...
View ArticleArctic's Open Source RGB Laser Host
Hi folks! This is my humble contribution for this community.. I'm not good to write stories so here it is: Arctic's Open Source RGB laser host for Opt Lasers Micro RGB module PART LIST: - OptLasers...
View ArticleSpectra Physicis series 2000
I am headed out to get a working Spectra Physics argon laser I have the power to run it. I will post pictures on here when I get it home. I hope the hours are low on the tube.
View ArticleSanwu lasers. Are they any good?
Hey I was wondering if the sanwu lasers are decent? Do they actually have the power that the website says or are they underspec? And also how long do they take to ship? Thank you.
View Article1 kW Laser
I was thinking of saving up for a 1 kW laser rifle much like the one styropyro built in his video once I get my student loan paid off. What I would do differently would be to use NUBM44s focused...
View ArticleWhat is the main cause of power drop off ?
What is the main cause of power output drop off bellow 60 seconds run time ? assuming it's not batteries draining down..... Is the diode getting hot ? Is it something to do with the driver ? I guess it...
View ArticleWhy are blue lasers much higher output than green lasers ?
Why are blue lasers much higher output than green lasers ? Green seem to have max output of around 1 watt while blue seems to be max output of around 7 watts ? :wtf:
View Article1 Watt Blue Laser
Hi there, my laser just arrived yesterday and has been working excellent. I get back home this morning turn it on lasts about 5 seconds and stops and no longer turn on anymore the negative spring...
View ArticleProblem with ScannerMax C-506
Image with ScannerMax C-506. In height (Y) all correct, but in width (X) very narrow. I have checked connections and I do not see anything strange. I send you the picture in case you can help. It is...
View ArticleMind control lasers turn mice into killer rodents with the flip of a switch
Mind control lasers turn mice into killer rodents with the flip of a switch -- RT Viral Killer Mice Show Where Hunting Instinct Starts in the Brain - NBC News Quote: Mind control lasers turn mice into...
View ArticleBattery Safety Concerns
Hello, I recently acquired a new Nitecore "Intellicharger NEW i2" to charge my AW IMR 18350 batteries. As I was reading the Nitecore user manual, I came across a warning that reads "Do not use a...
View ArticleNew to lasers :)
Hi everyone, I'm new to lasers literally just bought a 1-watt blue laser only to find it breaks the next day literally being turned on for 5 seconds and pops. I'm in the UK and looking for a really...
View ArticlePLE PRO 2W Laser
So Excited I just ordered a 2W PLE PRO laser from jet lasers, it is one of my first lasers after the last one just stopped working on me, I have paid the whole total through PayPal however it says...
View ArticleLGI-101 Copper Vapour Laser System
Before I had made my "homebuilt CVL system" I had a chance to play with the commercial russian CVL called LGI-101. I had found it in the University laser lab NOS in unpacked factory crates. The lab...
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