I don’t understand why you guys keep recommending sci-fi laser. The seller Thejoker301 doesn’t look to be a honest seller to me in any way. More and more people reported for long waiting time for their order up to 4 months. Here are few example for the recent compliant about their slow shipping time/ fake tracking/ false statement.
Obviously this is just a few example. I am sure there are more people still waiting for their order. Here are few points that I think why we should stop recommending this company.
1. A wrong tracking information is totally unacceptable. Thejoker301 do this over and over again. I am sure this is not done by mistake but he want to delay the time on the shipment to let him make the laser / to expire the paypal dispute time. A wrong tracking information may also increases the risk of exposing the personal information of the actual tracking number owner (name, address etc). This behavior also show the integrity of the seller. If he could lie on the tracking number then he could also lie on many other thing.
2. Yes Thejoker301 seem to resolve the problem soon but only if people open a complaint thread on this forum because he worried this will affect his business. I don’t understanding why people think that problem is no longer exist after the thread title “resolved”. This is not actually a good ending remember customer has actually wasted the time on their laser. So basically if you don’t open a thread you may expect to spend more and more time on playing with the wrong tracking number.
3. The seller Thejoker301 just want to get more and more business but he will never consider whether he can handle that much (this is one man company I believe). It is always funny to see some people speaking for them and say “Joker has so many orders so please be patience and wait”. What??? When you take someone payment to are agreed to deliver the product on time who will care how many order you have on your hand I don’t thing the customer should consider this before buying from them.
4. Their product is just a standard DIY quality with a modified flashlight host. Many of the members here can do the same thing or even with a better looking host.
5. Threatening customer on exposing their personal information if they try to hurry up the order / asking for refund ( see thread #1 ) Thejoker301 say "I got your address. How about that ?!?!?!?!?" So basically this mean he will do something on your address if you do something he don't like. Which is totally horrible for a company to do this.
I hope more people can stand out ( if they still having issue with this company ) to let others know how bad they are. To be honest I try to purchase from them some time ago because of the recommendation here but I am glad that I didn’t. This forum is now flooded with the thread of this company I am sure many people has tired with this like me. Just some of my thought. Take care everyone.
Obviously this is just a few example. I am sure there are more people still waiting for their order. Here are few points that I think why we should stop recommending this company.
1. A wrong tracking information is totally unacceptable. Thejoker301 do this over and over again. I am sure this is not done by mistake but he want to delay the time on the shipment to let him make the laser / to expire the paypal dispute time. A wrong tracking information may also increases the risk of exposing the personal information of the actual tracking number owner (name, address etc). This behavior also show the integrity of the seller. If he could lie on the tracking number then he could also lie on many other thing.
2. Yes Thejoker301 seem to resolve the problem soon but only if people open a complaint thread on this forum because he worried this will affect his business. I don’t understanding why people think that problem is no longer exist after the thread title “resolved”. This is not actually a good ending remember customer has actually wasted the time on their laser. So basically if you don’t open a thread you may expect to spend more and more time on playing with the wrong tracking number.
3. The seller Thejoker301 just want to get more and more business but he will never consider whether he can handle that much (this is one man company I believe). It is always funny to see some people speaking for them and say “Joker has so many orders so please be patience and wait”. What??? When you take someone payment to are agreed to deliver the product on time who will care how many order you have on your hand I don’t thing the customer should consider this before buying from them.
4. Their product is just a standard DIY quality with a modified flashlight host. Many of the members here can do the same thing or even with a better looking host.
5. Threatening customer on exposing their personal information if they try to hurry up the order / asking for refund ( see thread #1 ) Thejoker301 say "I got your address. How about that ?!?!?!?!?" So basically this mean he will do something on your address if you do something he don't like. Which is totally horrible for a company to do this.
I hope more people can stand out ( if they still having issue with this company ) to let others know how bad they are. To be honest I try to purchase from them some time ago because of the recommendation here but I am glad that I didn’t. This forum is now flooded with the thread of this company I am sure many people has tired with this like me. Just some of my thought. Take care everyone.