Hey guys,
So I just got my Challenger 2 in the mail a few days ago, first impressions were good. The laser looks good, simple straight forward design, nice and heavy, very solid feeling. I thought I had a few 18350 batteries laying around but they were actually RCR123A's, so I looked online and realized that I could order some from amazon same day shipping as long as i ordered before 12pm! crazy right?!?! Being a prime member it only cost me 5$ and I ended up getting the batteries that night. As soon as the batteries arrived I threw them in the laser. Put my laser shields on and pressed the button. It was initially in safety mode, I depressed the button half way and the laser ramped and got brighter. I had it pointed at a piece of paper on my desk and it started to burn through it in under a second. This thing is very powerful, I'm really impressed with it. The only criticism I have for it is the whole multi mode function. Its a little hard to tell where its at (10< mode, SOS mode, Half power, Strobe, Full power). Also its a little hard to tell how hard to depress the button to switch modes. You dont just tap it, you gotta depress the button almost switching it off which is a little annoying but Im starting to get a hang of it. All in all the laser is great, delivery was pretty quick and Podo was responsive to all my questions. The whole process was a huge relief when compared to the nightmare of Eitan and Sci Fi. Podo thanks for everything, Im considering getting another pretty soon.
So I just got my Challenger 2 in the mail a few days ago, first impressions were good. The laser looks good, simple straight forward design, nice and heavy, very solid feeling. I thought I had a few 18350 batteries laying around but they were actually RCR123A's, so I looked online and realized that I could order some from amazon same day shipping as long as i ordered before 12pm! crazy right?!?! Being a prime member it only cost me 5$ and I ended up getting the batteries that night. As soon as the batteries arrived I threw them in the laser. Put my laser shields on and pressed the button. It was initially in safety mode, I depressed the button half way and the laser ramped and got brighter. I had it pointed at a piece of paper on my desk and it started to burn through it in under a second. This thing is very powerful, I'm really impressed with it. The only criticism I have for it is the whole multi mode function. Its a little hard to tell where its at (10< mode, SOS mode, Half power, Strobe, Full power). Also its a little hard to tell how hard to depress the button to switch modes. You dont just tap it, you gotta depress the button almost switching it off which is a little annoying but Im starting to get a hang of it. All in all the laser is great, delivery was pretty quick and Podo was responsive to all my questions. The whole process was a huge relief when compared to the nightmare of Eitan and Sci Fi. Podo thanks for everything, Im considering getting another pretty soon.