It arrived ! :D 650nm Sanwu Pocket
After several weeks of waiting, it is here. And it is beautiful. I took a couple pics. It came yesterday but I was out of town till tonight. Ill try to do a proper review tomorrow, but I am going to...
View ArticleFS: CNI 40-45mW Custom 589nm Yellow
For sale is a CNI 589nm laser made custom for me several years back. Discussed in a thread elsewhere on LPF when purchased. Very little used notwithstanding that it's probably around 5 years old now....
View ArticleOptotronics Premium +10mW green laser (55mW on LPM)
I wanted to write a review for awhile, but I decided to hold off until I had access to a LPM. That opportunity came this weekend at the Texas Petawatt Laser Facility where I got to meter my 3 portable...
View ArticleCan someone
I bought this from eithan and it never worked I don't know size or anything don't know anything about lasers The 2 wires going to the diode were twited off reattached them checked continuity batteries...
View ArticleLaser Guide Stars: The most stunning yellow lasers
Powerful beams make sodium particles in the mesosphere glow creating an artificial star for the computers to lock on to. It gives them a much wider field of view. These lasers are about 22W 589.2nm...
View ArticleBeam RGB laser projector
I was wondering ... if someone try to build [ maybe me :D ] rgb laser projector from fat beams lasers ? Is it technically possible ?
View ArticlePCB engraving with cheap mini engraver
Wondering if anyone has tried (and had success) engraving PCBs using one of those cheap mini laser engravers found on DX and such (link). The method I'm interested in is the one where you coat the PCB...
View Article1W blue laser Buy or build?
Hi all. I am new here. The only laser I have at present is a cheap green 303. I have been doing some research and am considering buying the Thor M 2 for around $75. How much would it cost me if I were...
View ArticleWicked Lasers as at Summer 2016 - my own experience
Hello lasing Collective, I've been on this 'scene' for a good few years now. It all started with the good fortune of having relatives in Toronto, which also happened to be the location of arguably one...
View ArticleWho Won the First Presidential Debate?
Whoever watched the entire debate cast your vote here :D :beer: and let us know who you think won and why. I personally think Trump won because he was more passionate on the crucial problems that face...
View ArticleThe Worst Insect Ever! (NO PICS)
Hey guys, I just had a run in with a house centipede in the bathroom in my house (AKA "I NEARLY FUCKIN DIED!") and am looking for a bit of moral support. If you like these little shits that move fast,...
View ArticleWhat is the difference between M.P.E and AEL?
Hi, nice to meet you guys. I'm learning Laser Safety now, but I don't know what is the difference between MPE and AEL If I want to use laser to human, shoild it be satisfaction MPE and AEL both? Thank...
View ArticleOpening fibered HHL enclosure
Hi All! I have red laser module in HHL package, power is about 1-1.5 W, module have fiber optic output bundle with 7 single fibers. TEC inside package is broken. While laser diode itself feels good. I...
View ArticlePWM modulation
I experimented with a m140 module with driver in a 22mm heatsink. I hooked it up to a PWM box mod and saw the dimming effect I was looking for when I adjusted the potentiometer. Is this going to harm...
View ArticleLow mA drivers?
Anyone know someone that builds small drivers that would fit in a pen host? I contacted The Lightning Stalker and he no longer builds them after he moved. I need 3 I need one for the 510nm Diode from...
View ArticleNitecore LA10
Hello everyone. I don't really collect flashlights but this one seemed so unique and cool I had to give it a go. It feels really nice with the matte finish and is a good weight. It is now my main EDC...
View ArticleSomething's wrong
So ive had my green laser for a while now, and ive been noticing this horrid halo around the dot. :gun: Heres a pic of it without the lens So whats happening here? Is the infrared diode screwed up?...
View ArticleLaserBTB PL532-200
This is the second of three reviews that I'm doing after I had the opportunity to meter my lasers at the Texas Petawatt Laser Facility. I've included measurements of power and divergence, plenty of...
View ArticleAm back to lasers
well i was gone for some time and am back How's everyone doing :beer:
View ArticleLow Power Laser Projects
I been reading a lot of posts here and on other sites but I am still a little confused on a few things. First, I am having a difficult time finding any lasers that are under 5mW. I would like to keep...
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