Will O-like jack me?
hey guys whats up, so im looking to buy a pretty cheap laser for like $36, because i think spending $200 on lasers is completely retarded. I mean you're just paying for light. Why you paying hundreds...
View ArticleCould someone please tell me about this item?
I noticed that when lasers are battery powered (and batteries and a charger aren't already possessed), the batteries and charger add a lot to the cost. So I was wondering about getting something that...
View ArticleWWB 27 Lake Havasu AZ.
Howdy all I am back in the shop now and Western Winter Blast 27 was the best, we had some really good shows and some excellent big shells made by the members there were wonderful set pieces also, here...
View ArticleAre Ultracapacitor Lasers Possible?
Hi! I started doing some research to get really deep into electronics, formerly knowing almost nothing (solenoid piston motors are awesome!), and I tripped over something called Supercapacitors and...
View Article445nm M140 Diode In Copper Module With Leads & Three Element Glass Lens
Hello, I am brand new to laser building, and I am following the Video on trying to make the laser. I have bought the housing, but I was wondering what goggles I should get for the diode that is...
View ArticleOptotronics 150mW+ Premium Pen For Sale *Very Light Use*
Hello members of laserpointerforums... The day has finally come where I will sell my opto pen. I don't use it as much as I'd like to so I'm willing to sell it to someone. The case has some cosmetic...
View Articlelase pointer and lights
Is there a difference between the light emitted from a standard LED used for lighting and the laser diode in a laser pointer thanks folks
View ArticleSF-501B 1.5 watt 445nm YouTube review video
Title says it all! Here it is. My written review is on the way. You can check it out here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwtwdp38Uns
View ArticleHey hey
Hey all, just wanted to check in with the laser family.. Hows everyone doing? Have i missed anything good? Had a good few months out of the U.S. Glad to be back.... :gun::gun::gun::gun: :D
View ArticleChat in the forum ?
What would be nice is to have a chat in the group where all member can just chat it would be amazing i :thinking: it would be kinda cool so member can ask question and just chat around for kicks...
View ArticleCheap green laser, nice host.
Got my 3rd cheap laser today. Only complaint is that it doesn't have a focusing mechanism, but not bad.
View ArticlePost 1000
OK so this is totally cheating but I cant resist. POST 1000 WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO and it only took 6 years.
View ArticleLaser-Hating Cow story!
Apparently cats and dogs aren't the only ones. So here I am, shining my awesome, incredible SF-501B 1.5 watt blue into the sky and on the ground. Suddenly, I hear hooves. I look and hear a ear...
View Articlehello
Hi all , Noob here trying to learn everthing about laser scanners and how they work , tried the other forum about scanners , but too many shemales and trannies for my liking
View ArticleO-like?
I just ordered this from o-like, now that i've done some research, this seems too good to be true, and o-like seems to be going downhill, thoughts? and no, I can't cancel my order, already shipped.
View Articlelaser show projectors
Hi all, New to the forum. I love laser light shows saw my first in the Denver planetarium back in 76. My question is how do they create all the effects? Sorry for posting in the wrong topic please move...
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