Channel: Laser Pointers
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Blackwolf's collection liquidation sale *pic heavy*

It pains me to do this but I do need some funds for other projects so I plan on selling a few things.

first up for $145 my 1W+ 445nm mirror polished survival lasers S4. This was the first laser I built. It started off as a normal S4 but I stripped the black anno and mirror polished the body. It is using a 1.25A driver and a "g-lens" I also added a SL extended focus adapter and replaced the rear black button with a gitd blue one. It can be run in a lower power state on one 18650 and on full power with two 16430s please use an AW (from SL website) or similar battery because ones that are two long wont fit. output unfocused is messy. with only one battery you can run this laser a long time with two keep the duty cyclke to a minute or two
This laser is case (-)

asking $145 shipped

next is my Scifi lasers SFCR i believe it was called it is a single mode red operating at 650nm and just under 300mW if I remember the jokers lpm graph right. It has a very tight single mode pattern and a clean beam when unfocused. This is one of the first lasers from scifi lasers. It runs on one 18650 and it is case (-) this is a low power diode so it has a great duty cycle.

asking $35 shipped

Next is one I really don't want to get rid of. She is my best burner by far and is such a pretty color. It is a Blord 501B 405nm laser. The output was at about 500mW with the three element lens and since I received it I upgraded it with a G-lens so its output could be anywhere from 600 to 750mW. This beastly laser burns everything even the walls. Being single mode this thing has great divergence too. It runs on two 16430 batteries and is case (-). The diode, driver, and heatsink are all one piece (it is a plug and burn construction.) this laser unlike the 445nm above can not be run on one battery for a low power state.

fourth up is a build I never started. It is a one piece carbon fiber warped 2X 18650 host with focus adapter and in polished Al made by Ehgemus It is in the exact condition I bought it so I will let it go for whit I payed $75 shipped

next up are my nice safety glasses. I have two pairs, and they are both the same style. First up is a set of green glasses they block from 405 to 488 anything blue. they do not block green all the way.

asking $12 shipped
I also have a blue sat that block red, and judging by a few posts way back on lpf thy should also work somewhat on yellow and orange. they come with a nice black case.

asking $18 shipped

Assorted lens caps and switch covers $1.5 add to any other order

bag of lenses this contains 2 focus adapters 3 plastic lenses 1 3 element lens and two G-lenses

asking $20 shipped

A white laser / Rgb set up contains two pbs cubes and one turning mirror can be used to make a white or rgb laser

asking $20 shipped

miscellaneous: one 5mW red diode, one bag of misc lenses and dichros + a dpss green laser crystal assembly + uranium marbles + AAAX3 blacklight, and a ps3 red/Ir/violet laser diode

three overspec ebay pens X2 405 X1 550

asking $4.5 shipped

very overspec green pen laser comes with a diffraction star cap and case this laser is case (-) which is unusual for greens.

asking $5 shipped

any questions or concerns feel free to pm I would like to keep it with in the US if possible

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