im still new to the forum and started alitle crazy about the whole thing,i have already made a classic red cutom build out of a dvdrw(i already have read all the topics on red diodes 0.0) and next i wanted to make something more powerfull so i ended with a a pair of 445nm 5.6 osram diodes and safety glasses.i bought 2 diodes because it was a good deal also i was pretty sure as my 1st blue build something could go wrong and fry the diode so a backup should be good :yh: the project is almost finished and working great with the driver set to 1.5A,batteries are draining alitle fast and lower the A but thats fine.the host is an old classic flashlight that had 2 D batteries(now im using 2 18650s)i used a heatsink also and a custom ring on the from for an easy focus,the lense is a g3 445nm,also the i used a plastic on the power button for safety reasons and now the button is inside of the plastic and its safer to have in i a bag etc.the duty cycles are big with this heatsink and im still excited to my 1st build :yh: the last thing i want to do is a cover on the front where the glue is. photos incuded also and the beam is on clear air room no smoke or something else :beer: