Today I present a handsome little "Trustfire" stainless steel light that I came accross a while ago.
This light was just begging to be modded into a sweet petite green laser, seeing as it already had the right options; a green switch cover, and GITD green O-rings.
This is my second 515nm build, this one is using a diode/driver from DTR. My first 515nm build "The Double Take" (HERE), was built with a diode that I was lucky enough to get from Eitans G.B.
All that needed to be done was to modify the head/crown of the light a little bit, and make a custom matching extended heatsink.
I went with an extended heatsink since the diode/driver assy. was of the type where ghe driver is attached directly to the diode, thus requiring the extra length.
I've finished this build using two different style focus adapters. At first I went with a green Survival Lasers extended adapter, and later decided to make a matching polished aluminum adapter.
They both look good IMHO, but I think I'll stick with the aluminum one for this build.
Components used for this build:
- "Trustfire" led Flashlight Host
- 515nm Diode/Driver in 12mm Copper Module
- Custom Heatsink
- "AW" IMR 14500 Battery
Power output as checked with my LPM.
- 520nm 2 element Lens = 132mW (max)
Now for a few photos of this build; start to finish.
Before surgery.

Removing the pill/led assembly.

An exploded view of the original components.

Polished aluminum heatsink and pill.

Getting ready to install thecompleted Heatsink, diode module and battery boardinto the host.
I used a 9mm x 0.5mm tap to hold the module stationary while at the same time, using long tweezersto hold the other end (battery board).
Then while holding the entire assy. I screwed the hosts head piece on until tight.
This prevented any possible twisting of wires during assembly.

Completed H.S./ diode assy. showing additional raised solder contact point.

Correct polarity direction marked with label tape.

First test without lens; "It Lives"

Completed laser with alternative Survival Lasers focus adapter along side of scale for size.

Output shot with polished aluminum focus adapter. All Trustfire logos and identification have been polished off for a cleaner look!

Indoor beamshot.

And finally, last but not least; some entertaining reading from the back of the Trustfire package!

That it for now!
Thanks for looking. :D