I've owned lower power lasers (pointers, handhelds, gun mounted, etc...) in multiple colors and used handhelds into the 200-250mw range. I'm familiar with proper safety procedures, and aware of the risks/dangers associated with higher power lasers. I consider myself fairly capable with a basic DIY projects, soldering, etc... But, I'm out of the loop with what's currently available and slightly overwhelmed with the availability/variety in what's available on the forum.
I work in construction and I'm looking for a handheld that will primarily be used inside large indoor structures in a daylight environment, but is also capable of providing a visible dot in sunlight. I'm looking for suggestions as to something that can be purchased complete or as a simple build kit (basic assembly without fabrication) and for wavelength/color and power. I'm also looking for a relatively compact platform that you can put in your pocket (not a d-cell maglight build).
I've looked at the pointers like the sanwu pocket and guardian, jayrob's stainless steel green kit (with o-like module), and a few others. But from some of the dates on the forum posts...I don't know what still may or may not be available. I'd like it to be bright enough to have a visible beam at night to have some fun with my nephews, but i'm not necessarily looking for a burner to light matches and pop balloons from across the room. I'd love to hear member's thoughts/comments, and whether I'd be best off with a green, red, or even blue pointer.
Thanks in advance!:thanks:
I work in construction and I'm looking for a handheld that will primarily be used inside large indoor structures in a daylight environment, but is also capable of providing a visible dot in sunlight. I'm looking for suggestions as to something that can be purchased complete or as a simple build kit (basic assembly without fabrication) and for wavelength/color and power. I'm also looking for a relatively compact platform that you can put in your pocket (not a d-cell maglight build).
I've looked at the pointers like the sanwu pocket and guardian, jayrob's stainless steel green kit (with o-like module), and a few others. But from some of the dates on the forum posts...I don't know what still may or may not be available. I'd like it to be bright enough to have a visible beam at night to have some fun with my nephews, but i'm not necessarily looking for a burner to light matches and pop balloons from across the room. I'd love to hear member's thoughts/comments, and whether I'd be best off with a green, red, or even blue pointer.
Thanks in advance!:thanks: