Here is a great high quality cheap eBay laser from a reliable seller that ships from bothe China and Sydney,
I bought this laser in January last year for $99 Australian dollars + $8 for express post it arrived in 2 days from my eBay purchase.
This laser was 1 of my first high power lasers and I was and still am very pleased with its quality and reliability.
It's stamped on the aluminium module with a manufactue date and power and it actually LPMs at 1.6w on my tec based diy also.
This actual model I think is no longer available but the Thor he is selling now is a little larger and possibly has an acrilc lens instead of a glass lens like my model.
The driver is a linear driver with a pot and is case positive.
So This is a great beginner laser for the price and is partly responsible for my laser building addiction, I hope it inspires someone else too addiction!
I bought this laser in January last year for $99 Australian dollars + $8 for express post it arrived in 2 days from my eBay purchase.
This laser was 1 of my first high power lasers and I was and still am very pleased with its quality and reliability.
It's stamped on the aluminium module with a manufactue date and power and it actually LPMs at 1.6w on my tec based diy also.
This actual model I think is no longer available but the Thor he is selling now is a little larger and possibly has an acrilc lens instead of a glass lens like my model.
The driver is a linear driver with a pot and is case positive.
So This is a great beginner laser for the price and is partly responsible for my laser building addiction, I hope it inspires someone else too addiction!