Just got an email confirmation of my refund from Laserglow for $539, whew!
I will never touch this company again until they step-up their customer service game. Sent them an email today asking for when the refund should be processed and never got a reply(no surprise).
Anyway, now that I have an LPM coming in I might finally be able to get myself a 589nm Spartan from DragonLasers. I decided to skip 635nm as it still is quite red and I am aiming for getting the main wavelengths now. I do pray mine dosent come in under-spec though :mad:
I was debating wether or not to get a 405nm PL-E but would rather get my yellow in ASAP before they become even rarer! :)
Just an update.
I will never touch this company again until they step-up their customer service game. Sent them an email today asking for when the refund should be processed and never got a reply(no surprise).
Anyway, now that I have an LPM coming in I might finally be able to get myself a 589nm Spartan from DragonLasers. I decided to skip 635nm as it still is quite red and I am aiming for getting the main wavelengths now. I do pray mine dosent come in under-spec though :mad:
I was debating wether or not to get a 405nm PL-E but would rather get my yellow in ASAP before they become even rarer! :)
Just an update.