I hope im not completely wrong in this Area :thanks:
I have some questions about this safety google Eagle Pair® 190-540nm Slip Over Laser Safety Goggles
I now ordered it :wave: Now my Question is i build a Laser with an NDB7875
And an 2.4A Driver and an G2 lens. When i want to pop a ballon or burn a match is this glasses protective enough for like hold a match in my Hand and then light it ? Or is the reflection from the light brown matchwood to strong. :can:
I also ordered this one http://m.ebay.com/itm/141623591305?r...&ul_noapp=true
Because it says:
Protecting Wavelength Scope:190-540nm
Protecting Method: All direction absorb no diection limited
Visible Light Penetrated Ratio: >55%
Optical Density: >5.0(OD+5,OD+6)
Attenuation Ratio: 10-6<N%<10-4
But no one knows if this is true and i cant get rest so i ordered the Eagle Pair also. Both didnt arrived yet so im waiting
Thanks alot for your help:thanks::thanks:
Best regards
I hope im not completely wrong in this Area :thanks:
I have some questions about this safety google Eagle Pair® 190-540nm Slip Over Laser Safety Goggles
I now ordered it :wave: Now my Question is i build a Laser with an NDB7875
And an 2.4A Driver and an G2 lens. When i want to pop a ballon or burn a match is this glasses protective enough for like hold a match in my Hand and then light it ? Or is the reflection from the light brown matchwood to strong. :can:
I also ordered this one http://m.ebay.com/itm/141623591305?r...&ul_noapp=true
Because it says:
Protecting Wavelength Scope:190-540nm
Protecting Method: All direction absorb no diection limited
Visible Light Penetrated Ratio: >55%
Optical Density: >5.0(OD+5,OD+6)
Attenuation Ratio: 10-6<N%<10-4
But no one knows if this is true and i cant get rest so i ordered the Eagle Pair also. Both didnt arrived yet so im waiting
Thanks alot for your help:thanks::thanks:
Best regards