My laser started flickering so I pulled out the module, inspected it and put it back in and then it stopped flickering... but then the diode had weird tiger stripe things. Any ideas as to what happened?
keep in mind the camera picks it up as way brighter than it really is, and it looks much more purple than it does blue, which shouldn't happen, seeing that it's 445nm. I did not focus it on the second image because the camera nearly whited out for some reason and it did not do it justice due to the fact that it looked like an extremely powerful flashlight rather than a faint purple dot... it sort of looks like a mode hopping laser 303
keep in mind the camera picks it up as way brighter than it really is, and it looks much more purple than it does blue, which shouldn't happen, seeing that it's 445nm. I did not focus it on the second image because the camera nearly whited out for some reason and it did not do it justice due to the fact that it looked like an extremely powerful flashlight rather than a faint purple dot... it sort of looks like a mode hopping laser 303