(hoping for a sticky!)
In this post, it is my goal to build a comprehensive list of members with 589 and 594 nm lasers, with links to reviews where available. Comment or message me to be added to the list! Let's build a useful resource to help anyone interested in these rare and unusual lasers! I'll try to find reviews and info, but there's no way I could make this comprehensive without your help. :)
In this post, it is my goal to build a comprehensive list of members with 589 and 594 nm lasers, with links to reviews where available. Comment or message me to be added to the list! Let's build a useful resource to help anyone interested in these rare and unusual lasers! I'll try to find reviews and info, but there's no way I could make this comprehensive without your help. :)
589nm Spartan 50, 78mW peakargon
594nm HeNebrucemir
589nm Spartan 50, 56mW avg, 70mW peakBowtieGuy
589nm Spartan 50 #2
589nm Spartan 5
594nm PGL-C
594nm Rigel 6, 6mW peak
589nm PGL-C, 154mW peakChicxulub
589nm Spartan 50, 124mW peak
594nm Rigel 2, ?mW, brokenCyparagon
594nm Rigel 20, 30mw avg, 40mw peak, sold
589nm Spartan 50, ?mW, defective & RMA'd
589nm Spartan 50, 57mW two minute average, 130mW peakDJNY
589nm Aurora, .5mW avg
589nm PGL-A, 70mW avg, 89mW peakDJZ
CNI GLP-589, ?mWgozert
594nm Rigel, 2-4 mWGRE3N
589nm Spartan 50, 107mW Max, soldHap
594nm Rigel, 2mW avg, 4mW peak, soldH2Oxide
594nm HeNe, ?mWIssacT
594nm GLP-594, ?mWjakeGT
589nm Spartan 50, 72mW avg, 84mW peak
594nm Rigel 2, ?mWLtKernelPanic
589nm Sparan 50, 110mW PeakLux Nitida
594nm HeNe
589nm Spartan 50, 107mw peak (2) (3)norbie
589nm Spartan 50, ?mWnorbyx
594nm Rigel 6, 8mW avg, 10mW peakOlympus Mons
589nm Spartan 50, ?mWplexus
589nm PGL-C, 120mW avg, 157mW peakRA_pierce
CNI GLP-589, 11mW avg, 13mW peakRazako
589nm Spartan 50, defectiveSmeerworst
589mm Rigel HV Pro 50, 70mW avg, 95mW peakultimatekaiser
589nm CNI PGL-M >80mWZRaffleticket
589nm CNI PGL-C 50mW
594nm CNI MGL-H >50mW
594nm Coherent HeNe 4.5mW
589nm PGL-C, 127mW peak