Survival Laser's SS host w/extended Cu HS.
16.8mm battery board.
DTR 2W M462/X-Drive w 3 element lens
2 18650 Batteries
This thing is awesome!! This blue is BLUE. Really nice color. You could say it's like 445nm but without violet overtones. iPhone camera doesn't portray their distinction. But, my 445 seems purple now.
In a pic below I tried to side-by-side my Sanwu Challenger 445. Again, iPhone camera makes it indistinguishable. You're just gonna have to effin trust me 😉
16.8mm battery board.
DTR 2W M462/X-Drive w 3 element lens
2 18650 Batteries
This thing is awesome!! This blue is BLUE. Really nice color. You could say it's like 445nm but without violet overtones. iPhone camera doesn't portray their distinction. But, my 445 seems purple now.
In a pic below I tried to side-by-side my Sanwu Challenger 445. Again, iPhone camera makes it indistinguishable. You're just gonna have to effin trust me 😉