Ok guys found this info for all you lucky people in the path of Totality.
I know it's last minute but if it helps anyone, it's worth it.
There's a fantastic app available that will assist you in your quest for Totality.
It's called "Solar Eclipse Timer".
It's not free but well worth the asking price.
Check it out.
>>>> https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/sola...203105865?mt=8
>>>> Also here's the video that accompanies the app and has some great info.
>>>> Also something I've never heard of before is this "Shadow Snakes" or "Shadow Bands".
>>>> And just for fun (because I like chickens)....
Good luck everyone, stay safe and hope you have a fantastic Totality, get some nice pics/vids for me.
I know it's last minute but if it helps anyone, it's worth it.
There's a fantastic app available that will assist you in your quest for Totality.
It's called "Solar Eclipse Timer".
It's not free but well worth the asking price.
Check it out.
>>>> https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/sola...203105865?mt=8
>>>> Also here's the video that accompanies the app and has some great info.
>>>> Also something I've never heard of before is this "Shadow Snakes" or "Shadow Bands".
>>>> And just for fun (because I like chickens)....
Good luck everyone, stay safe and hope you have a fantastic Totality, get some nice pics/vids for me.