So 2y ago i purchased the Nichia NDB7875 3 Element lens module and i had it all this time in the host i used it maybe 15sec in the 2y period it worked perfect today i made a decision to replace the lens call it 3E with G2 it worked perfect then i decide to burn some cardboard in the kitchen
i turned the laser on and started focusing it i got it focused perfect and after like 10sec the diode just dimmed down i was thinking its the battery's since i used protective battery's, so the mystery is what killed the diode i just tested the driver works perfect 2A on the dot so its not the driver. could it be the lens reflecting back or too close to the diode or the batteries for having protection ?
i turned the laser on and started focusing it i got it focused perfect and after like 10sec the diode just dimmed down i was thinking its the battery's since i used protective battery's, so the mystery is what killed the diode i just tested the driver works perfect 2A on the dot so its not the driver. could it be the lens reflecting back or too close to the diode or the batteries for having protection ?