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JETLASERS 1.4W 465nm Mini

'JETLASERS' 465nm 1.4W Mini!

First off, and to keep everything aboveboard, this cool new addition to Jetlasers lineup was sent to me by Gray for my evaluation, thank you Gray!
This generous offer from Gray came about when I sent an email to him regarding the addition of 473nm models to their new Mini line-up.
He offered me this 465nm model, since at that time, the 473nm hadn't been added to their selection yet.

This evaluation should actually have been made a few weeks ago, when the J/L Mini line-up was first appearing.
Unfortunately, a delay at the port of Hong Kong held up delivery, but once J/L realized this and had the order re-shipped, all went well.
So far, all the orders that I've placed with Jetlasers have been shipped via DHL, and in my experiences with them, they are extremely fast.
DHL picked up my package in Hong Kong on Monday morning at 9:00 pm, and delivered it to my door by Wednesday at 10:20am, 36hrs!
Heck, I'll even throw in a 12 hr time difference, and it's still only 48 hrs from China.

THE J/L Mini:
A few thoughts and some highlights on J/L's new mid size laser. I know it's called the Mini, but at 233mm long, and 34mm in diameter at the head end, it's not what I would call small.
To be honest, there's not much not to like about this laser, especially if you like the design of their PL-E's, as this is just a smaller version, which is a good thing, in my opinion.

Like it's full sized brother, the PL-E, this is a solid, thick walled host with smooth threading; it's not a square cut thread, but a good quality thread nonetheless.

My Mini came equiped with J/L's ( PL-E mechanical switch), but it can be ordered with a "code switch" if desired.

Powering up consists of engaging the tailcap switch, which 'arms' the laser, and at which point, the two LED's on the side of the host will light up red.
Next, you can either push the larger of the two metal buttons on the side for a constant on, or you can push the smaller button for a momentary on, which only stays on if the button remains held down.
When the continuous button is pushed, the LED status lights change from red (armed) to green (on).
When the momentary pushbutton is engaged, the LED's glow with a combination blue/red light.

Thankfully Jetlasers has incorporated their famous Internal focus adjuster in these models, it's the best in the business.

A nice touch that has been added to these Mini's is a 'painted' on battery orientation label, rather than a tape type label that can come off.
This is especially nice since the batteries in this unit go in with the pos. (+) towards the tailcap like a lot of the 532nm green lasers. It's always nice to have a handy reminder!

The Minis have a recessed tail switch that allows for tail standing, if you're brave! Also included is a pretty nice camo. lanyard that hooks to the tailcap.

A rubber lens cap is included, and is attached by a rubber ring around the lens barrel.
You can't really see it when it's in place, so be careful, and remember to remove it before using, or you'll be smelling burning rubber rather quickly.
Please don't ask me how I know this little detail. :yabbem:

Also built into the body is an AC plug for use with J/L's 8V AC adapter, nice.

The driver has a very nice slow start, and also a slow power down feature. It visibly ramps up to full power, and turns off slowly as well.


•SIZE - 233mm long x 34mm diameter (head), 27mm (tail).

•WEIGHT W/BATTERIES - 379g (13.36oz), WITH B.E. 523g (18.44oz).

•POWER - Uses 2 x 16340, or 2 x 18350 batteries.


•DIVERGENCE - 1.624 mrad


All in all, in my opinion, this is a great, high quality, reasonably priced new product from Jetlasers.
I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone, and coupled with J/L's renowned customer support, it's a win-win decision.

Even though I've been a big Jetlasers fan since I bought my first laser from them in 2012, I've tried to be objective in my results and opinions. :yh:

That being said, there are a few items that I feel could use some attention:

-The length of the battery tube is a bit short when using 18350 batteries, a lot of force is needed to engage the tailcap threads.

-A battery reducing sleeve (18mm to 16mm) would be nice for 16340 size use.

-My particular unit had a small scratch on the body, and my beam expander seems to have some dirty smudges on the inside of the front lens.

These last two items are obviously unique to my laser, and shouldn't affect any others.
That's about it, now for a few pics.


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Nice detail, no sharp edges.
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Close up of lens barrel showing threads where the B.E. attaches.
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If you look closely, between the 2 sets of reflected overhead lights, you can see the smudged spot on the lens.
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Edit: The following photos have been added to original post.

AC adapter
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16340 cells
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18350 cells
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That's all I have for now, I'll try and get more beam shots later today or tomorrow. :)
If you'd like any other info. or details just let me know.

Thanks for looking!

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