Hey guys,
I recently started college this year and so I had to quit League of Legends. As weird as it sounds, I was so addicted to this video game, it was literally my entire life three years.
I quit playing a few months ago and I was really tempted to play again, so I need to sell my account. I don't know if I 'm allowed to advertise here but it would really help me out if anyone is looking to buy an account.
- Currently Unranked
- Gold border
- 76 Champs
9 Rune Pages
$185 worth of stuff (Screenshot included) including Championship Thresh, Championship Shyvana, Victorious Maokai, Victorious Sivir, Victorious Morgana, Project Zed, Project Master Yi and a lot lot lot more!!!
I was also a Rengar one trick and so mastery is maxed and for Volibear and Fizz!
Heres the link, I'm selling it for $200. prices negotiable!
NA S7 UNRANKED, S6 GOLD, Lots of champions and skins ? LeagueofTrading
I recently started college this year and so I had to quit League of Legends. As weird as it sounds, I was so addicted to this video game, it was literally my entire life three years.
I quit playing a few months ago and I was really tempted to play again, so I need to sell my account. I don't know if I 'm allowed to advertise here but it would really help me out if anyone is looking to buy an account.
- Currently Unranked
- Gold border
- 76 Champs
9 Rune Pages
$185 worth of stuff (Screenshot included) including Championship Thresh, Championship Shyvana, Victorious Maokai, Victorious Sivir, Victorious Morgana, Project Zed, Project Master Yi and a lot lot lot more!!!
I was also a Rengar one trick and so mastery is maxed and for Volibear and Fizz!
Heres the link, I'm selling it for $200. prices negotiable!
NA S7 UNRANKED, S6 GOLD, Lots of champions and skins ? LeagueofTrading