planing to buy a cheap laser engraver from Aliexpress
445nm, 10w, 10W pulsed Average 5.5-6.5W.
my main goal is to mark anodized aluminium, the big question is while i know most of them can't mark aluminum i also saw laser modules from Jtech the do just that with a lot less power.
and i can't find any other laser online that is a diode 10W
need advice to clear things up
445nm, 10w, 10W pulsed Average 5.5-6.5W.
my main goal is to mark anodized aluminium, the big question is while i know most of them can't mark aluminum i also saw laser modules from Jtech the do just that with a lot less power.
and i can't find any other laser online that is a diode 10W
need advice to clear things up