Thought I needed some more practice so I thought I'd give another review of another Rick Trent I bought. It's got two ndg 7475 which puts out together 2.8 watts of beautiful 520. It hard to describe just how awesome the beam is, but it's super bright. ( as my neighbors will testify to ) so no night time beam shots, got to wait till the coast is clear. It also has a potentineter on the side which makes aligning the beam real precise. Also make it nice when you show people you can turn it way down. It a real crowd pleaser!![IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG][IMG][/IMG] Here's some night beam shots, the one on the left is the dual diode the one on the right is one ndg7475 set at 4.5 amps, I'm guessing at 1.2 -1.4 watts haven't lpm'd yet. don't know how well it shows up but the dual has a much thicker beam and much more dense. Divergence is also quite nice.