Yes I know that some hero members here have done videos with up to 200W blue beams long ago but those consisted of multiple knife-edged beams and I wanted to try producing a single beam where output of 4 LDs would fit perfectly on the same optical axis.
This year I have assembled 2 optical benches: one with 2 PBSed NUBM44 diodes at 4.5 and 5A and other with 2 PBSed NUBM07E diodes at 4.5A each.
Before disassembling them for other project I thought it would be fun to combine the beams with my new 445-465nm dichro mirror and look how bright it will be (I expected at least 18-19W beam).
Of course it was impossible to perfectly combine 2 separate benches by just positioning them correctly on the table, but at least in one dimention (horizontally) I have succeeded, because I needed both beams to enter 3x cylindrical beam expander at the same point to stay combined after expansion.
I could not reach exact vertical alighnment - so at 5 meters distance 2 round spots were visible one exactly under another, but on picture attached the beam looks great, does not it?
The optics in use here are: 2 PBS cubes, 2 waveplates, one B-B dichro and 2 cylindrical lenses. One of 07E has original Ball-lens, 3 other modules have G-2 collimators.
The LPM I have capable to mesure this power is not calibrated, so you have to trust it with a coefficient 0.7-0.8 but I think 19W should be there even if as you can see a lot of light is reflected by many optical pieces in use all around the room.
By the way, can anyone (better with residence in Europe) help me in calibrating this LPM in 10-100W range by comparing to a calibrated one?
This year I have assembled 2 optical benches: one with 2 PBSed NUBM44 diodes at 4.5 and 5A and other with 2 PBSed NUBM07E diodes at 4.5A each.
Before disassembling them for other project I thought it would be fun to combine the beams with my new 445-465nm dichro mirror and look how bright it will be (I expected at least 18-19W beam).
Of course it was impossible to perfectly combine 2 separate benches by just positioning them correctly on the table, but at least in one dimention (horizontally) I have succeeded, because I needed both beams to enter 3x cylindrical beam expander at the same point to stay combined after expansion.
I could not reach exact vertical alighnment - so at 5 meters distance 2 round spots were visible one exactly under another, but on picture attached the beam looks great, does not it?
The optics in use here are: 2 PBS cubes, 2 waveplates, one B-B dichro and 2 cylindrical lenses. One of 07E has original Ball-lens, 3 other modules have G-2 collimators.
The LPM I have capable to mesure this power is not calibrated, so you have to trust it with a coefficient 0.7-0.8 but I think 19W should be there even if as you can see a lot of light is reflected by many optical pieces in use all around the room.
By the way, can anyone (better with residence in Europe) help me in calibrating this LPM in 10-100W range by comparing to a calibrated one?