This is a M140 M-Type 445nm Laser Diode pressed into a DTR Copper module with an extended brass back-half; Driven by a XDrive 1.8A driver and a Lifetime17 battery contact board supplies it.
The custom heatsink is hand built by Lifetime as well as the focusing knob, I added some personal touches (GITD rings on the focus knob, and below the black heatsink retaining bezel. I did the build, added proper thermal paste to the module and soldered it all up of course. I will meter it shortly and post the results here.
Let's recap
- M140 M-Type Diode
- XDrive 1.8A
- Copper 12mm Module
- Custom Aluminum Heatsink
- Custom Aluminum Focus Knob
- Powered by 2x 18350 or 16340
- Over 2W output w/ G2 Lens
Please PM offers!
NOTE: In order to purchase this item, you must have:
- Atleast 10 Forums Posts
- Proof of proper safety goggles for 445nm
- Positive Reputation or Reference
- PayPal Payment Method
- Atleast 1 question (LOL)
http://hobbylp.com/c8-custom-2w-m140-build/ ~ More info / Higher Res Images
https://youtu.be/AiHqyc3kYek ~ LPM Video