Hello I am new on here. I don't have a whole lot of knowledge about these just yet aside from avoiding looking into the laser and avoiding reflections whenever possible. What drew me to this forum is the many posts and apparently knowledgeable people here who write them.
I am mostly looking for safety advice. I recently ordered one of those popular 1 watt 445nm blue lasers from someone on eBay. I am looking for good eye protection that is sanely priced. I also have a green laser 532nm and unknown wattage but does not burn. I would want to get glasses and/or goggles that are more suitable for the blue one though and possibly a second pair more suited to the green one. I already have a cheap red pair I got from eBay buy one get one free but I am not 100% sure if they are any good. They were however advertised as being effective for protection from blue and green. Until I know more, I am doubtful that they are optically dense enough for the blue one. I would consider a safety course if it is free and online, anything good on YouTube is always welcome.
I am mostly looking for safety advice. I recently ordered one of those popular 1 watt 445nm blue lasers from someone on eBay. I am looking for good eye protection that is sanely priced. I also have a green laser 532nm and unknown wattage but does not burn. I would want to get glasses and/or goggles that are more suitable for the blue one though and possibly a second pair more suited to the green one. I already have a cheap red pair I got from eBay buy one get one free but I am not 100% sure if they are any good. They were however advertised as being effective for protection from blue and green. Until I know more, I am doubtful that they are optically dense enough for the blue one. I would consider a safety course if it is free and online, anything good on YouTube is always welcome.