"It almost hit me and my dog, it almost wiped me out"
"You almost killed me"
"I'll sue you I got a video you dumbass"
"If you take one more step I'll f**king kill you leave me alone"
-The woman who stole the drone
If you didn't see the video, basically a few men are drone flying in a park with a designated hobby aircraft field. Their copter crashes, but the gopro maintains video. The woman sees this of what must've been at least 100ft away, as it takes her quite a while to actually go see the drone and then steal it as discreet as possible. Little does she know that while she's trying to steal the drone, the gopro records virtually everything the woman says, all her extremely exaggerated lies. The police are called, and the drone is returned.
This is pathetic. It's people like this that are going to completely destroy the drone hobby, now I'm not involved in the drone community but I know for a fact that if the laser community was publicly viewed as antagonistic as drones are, we wouldn't be having much luck. I'll never understand societies hate for hobbies like this, there could be much much worse things that people could be doing. In fact having a hobby is beneficial and educational.
Now don't get me wrong I understand why there is hatred towards drones (spying, privacy issues etc.) but when in controlled environments like this where the boys did nothing wrong, there is no justifiable reason that the woman acted like this. Thoughts?