Hi All,
I am brand new to lasers! I want to get a 532nm green laser for pointing out stars to my kids and am totally overwhelmed. I think that I want about 50mW? The prices online range from like $7.00 - over $100, with presumably vastly differing qualities. I don't need absolute top of the line, but I don't want junk either. What are some decent brands that are not just cheap overdriven crap. I am willing to spend up to about $80 or so. I am looking for bright, consistent light and a unit that will last me many years. I am in the US, and want to buy something that is ready to go as is - no diy at this point. Thanks so much for any advice you can offer me!
I am brand new to lasers! I want to get a 532nm green laser for pointing out stars to my kids and am totally overwhelmed. I think that I want about 50mW? The prices online range from like $7.00 - over $100, with presumably vastly differing qualities. I don't need absolute top of the line, but I don't want junk either. What are some decent brands that are not just cheap overdriven crap. I am willing to spend up to about $80 or so. I am looking for bright, consistent light and a unit that will last me many years. I am in the US, and want to buy something that is ready to go as is - no diy at this point. Thanks so much for any advice you can offer me!