So, I was wondering if it would be feasible to make a solar-pumped laser. I'm a noob at this, but maybe some of you more knowledgeable folks can tell me if I have a even a chance of doing something like this. My thinking is to make a very simple ruby laser with a ruby rod, partially reflecting and reflecting mirrors. Wrap the ruby rod in aluminum foil, except where light will enter. Then make a solar collector using mirror bits glued to a parabolic dish. Then focus the concentrated light from the collector onto the ruby rod/mirror setup.
It seems as though I might be able to replicate a flash-lamp with concentrated sunlight. That's the theory anyway.
Am I missing something huge here, or is there even a chance that something like this could work???:o
It seems as though I might be able to replicate a flash-lamp with concentrated sunlight. That's the theory anyway.
Am I missing something huge here, or is there even a chance that something like this could work???:o